There are many tips and pieces of advice given regarding potty training. Some worked while others failed. Yet, one of the most effective and constantly suggested tips in a successful potty training is to have a potty training charts and rewards system. This is where parents put stickers at the chart as a sign of progress. Rewards can also go as big as having a new toy, giving a child’s favorite food or enjoying some little privileges such as visit to the parks or letting them watch their favorite shows.

Why Do You Use Potty Training Chart

A potty training chart allows parents to note the times their child successfully uses the toilet. This leads to increased rewards for the child and in turn may inspire them to perform better and easily towards their potty training. This is used to reward children for continuing to use the potty after they have started potty training.

Benefits of Potty Training Chart

Potty training charts can help parents and caregivers monitor the progress of their child. Parents can clearly define what to expect from their child. As the child advance to their potty training, they will develop their sense of pride seeing bright stickers pasted on the charts knowing the stickers are results of doing a great job with their potty training. Because stickers are playful and colorful, these will just boost the confidence of the child to do.

Potty Training Rewards

When child completed a chart, parents can provide a reward for them to get motivated to do better. Positive reinforcement is one way to encourage a person to do well in any of his problems and undertakings in life. Rewards are ways to motivate person continuously and constantly do his duties and responsibilities to achieve his goals. Rewards are drive people to do harder in their tasks that without it, performing at their best becomes hard. Hence, the concept of rewards is about earning and not just giving.

Although some children do not have a strong grasps of a rewarding concept, letting them understand how it works may be beneficial in potty training but one should be careful in giving out rewards as this can backfire plans for the parents.

Reward system can be non-material such as praises, compliments, hugs and kisses. These are the most coveted reward of all as children feel that they are much appreciated and that they are doing progress on their potty session. You can celebrate little success such as being able to sit on the potty by letting your child watch their favorite shows. However, parents should avoid overdoing it as this may put pressure to the child.

When deciding to rewards your child with material things, make it those material things less expensive. Buying expensive things for rewards will let your child be out of focus with their goal as they will be just driven to get the goods. Doing so will just set the child’s mind to perform his best during potty training and takes away his focus towards reaching the goals of potty training that is to become confident and control in their bodies.

Failing to give them rewards they expect may cause regressions, tantrums and less cooperation. Big rewards can also cause frustrations for your child when they cannot achieve their goals as this puts up so much pressure on getting the coveted rewards.

When giving rewards, parents should explain to the child that rewards are just mere incentives for doing great job in their potty training. This way, the child will not force themselves to do what are expected from them. Thus, doing so would eliminate the pressure on them.